1.White admiral : A butterfly of the Canada with snowy white wings.

2.White alkali : A refined soda.

3.White ant : Termite.

4.White lion : The white colored lion.

5.White blood cell: Leukocyte-white blood corpuscles

6.White book : An official government report bound in white

7.White cedar : An evergreen tree of crypress family.

8.White chocolate: A cooked mixture of cocoa butter,milk,sugar.

9.White coal : Water as a source of power.

10.White collar

crime : A crime, a fraud.

11.White sepulcher: A hypocrite.

12.White dwarf : A planet sized,collapsed star.

13.White flag : A white banner as a signal of truce.

14.White fight : The residential movement of the white people from the city to the suburbs and vicecersa.

15.White fox : The arctic fox.

16.White friar : The white cloak that is worn.

17.White gasoline :Gas without tetraethyl lead.

18.White gold : Gold alloyed variously with nickel,zinc.

19.White hall : The formal royal place in London.

20.White heat : A state of intense emotion.

21.White knuckle: Causing great fear.

22.White leather : Leather which is soft.

23.White noise : A blend of all the audible frequensies.

24.White perch : A small silvery, edible bass as a white bass.

25. White room : A room where the contamination have been eliminated and which temperature,humidity and pressure are controlled.

26.White smith : A worker in white metal.

27.White supremacy: The social,economic and political repression and exploitation of non white peoples.

28.White trash : A poor,ignorant white person.

29.White water : Foaming,whitish water.

30.White wood : White or light colored wood.


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