it's all a game....

if we weren't meant to eat animals then why are they made of meat ?
In general any orgtanisation either big or small is meant to make profits it is acceptable because business is official fraud. We know very well in this small global village we are inter dependent.
sun uses the energy to produce light and plants uses the light to produce the food and the remaining food chain is continued in a cyclic manner. similarly in the higher trophic levels like us
there comes the final state of evolution survival...
we the human race is most perceived and always be struggling for the existence. since because we are gifted with short memory and great intelligence we have been helping and betraying each other. What i mean to say is for a man to live he should earn the bloody money which was created by him and is now controlling him completely. Now a days cheating is not at all a crime but being cheated either by ignorance or by blind trust is treated as biggest crime and every one should be aware of it. trusting blindly is attitudinal problem and i don't touch it now because it is not the matter of discussion, And Ignorance is the most ridiculous thing that we have to avoid it. Awareness is the only remedy to avoid being cheated.


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